Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Music video screenshots and comparison

The genre of tyler creator and the other artists is rap & hip-hop. All the artists that I have included in my screenshots are always in their own videos, although Kanye West used to do animated music videos, he may have stopped it because it was getting repetitive. The artists in this genre often dress in their own way to stand out and make their videos un-related to any others in their genre. For example Tyler the Creator tends to wear clothes from the brand 'Supreme' and Kanye West often wears simple clothing. All the videos in this genre tend to be quite weird and sometimes not relate to the audio. For example in one of Tyler the Creator's videos he eats a cockroach but it has no relation to the lyrics and is still a very odd thing to include in a video. Frank Ocean also shows this by wearing a panda mask at the start of one of his videos. The motifs in these videos are to get money or a girl. Girls are used as sexual icons in the majority of these music videos. The directors choose to do this so it receives more attention as the audience will watch to see the women and the artists themselves often rap about girls so it fits with the video.  The colour schemes in the videos are often quite muted so all the focus is kept on the artist. They are often put into black and white to show that they are serious.

The star construction of the artists in these screenshots is to make them all have their own set appearance and they have to come across showing a certain characteristic in all their videos to help them sell records. For example, Tyler the creator has very random videos which rarely relate to the videos and they often contain obese women which adds humour for the target audience. The directors will see this as a new selling point - people will want to watch his videos because they're unusual. Tyler the creator's videos also usually contain a shot of him with blacked out eyes and this effect has never been seen in videos of this genre before Tyler's which brings something new. This is becoming a motif of Tyler the Creator because it is considered 'his thing' by people who listen to him and similar artists. I think the director wants the audience to see Tyler the creator as a laid back, calm character as he is never serious in his videos unless it has a narrative that requires serious acting. This is rare for a musician in this genre but this is a positive thing in that it gets him more attention.